In firm, united groups, leadership is common. In psychological science and management theory, the concept of leadership is ambiguous, since it arises spontaneously. In the social, work and student collective there is always a formal leader and an informal leader who acts as an example. To effectively manage the organization, the person accepted by the followers should be promoted to leadership positions.
Leadership as a form of power
- Leadership – managerial relationships within a group, when some of its members have moral advantages over others.
- The concept of a leader is based on the dominance of a specific person in a team.
- An informal leader is nominated spontaneously and meets the criteria:
- activity, initiative to find solutions to problems;
- the ability to influence a specific person or group of people;
- awareness of the social, labor situation;
- compliance of behavior with the socio-psychological atmosphere in the group, its moral values and norms;
- the presence of standard personal qualities for the team; the ability to go beyond benchmark values without losing credibility.
The essence of leadership is reflected in the skills of organizing the social behavior of a group and representative tasks in relations with other groups. The leader’s abilities also lie in the responsibility for the result of the team and the maintenance of a comfortable microclimate.